Adding "Mycomarkup" as a custom renderer

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This markup language is used in the Mycorrhiza wiki engine. Documentation on Mycomarkup can be found here:


First import Mycomarkup v5: go get

And then we can follow the process of creating a custom renderer as in adding Blackfriday markdown renderer.

Let’s create convert_mycomarkup.go in the /syntax folder and use build flags just like in the tutorial above!

//go:build mycomarkup
// +build mycomarkup

package syntax

import (

var opts = options.Options{
	HyphaName:             "",
	WebSiteURL:            "",
	TransclusionSupported: false,
	RedLinksSupported:     false,
	InterwikiSupported:    false,

func Convert(gmi string, wrap bool) string {
	clearedString := strings.ReplaceAll(gmi, "\r\n", "\n")
	ctx, _ := mycocontext.ContextFromStringInput(clearedString, opts)
	return mycomarkup.BlocksToHTML(ctx, mycomarkup.BlockTree(ctx))

And then we can compile vpub-plus with tag mycomarkup: go build -tags mycomarkup .


Since mycomarkup has some special sauce called hyphaes and transclusion, we can’t really add it directly to our renderer - we just don’t have enough context for it.

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